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At present the project exists in two forms:

1) The "Rose of Andalusia" (Tanedores and Amor) and the program "Metamorphoses" (Clothed Maja) (Tanedores and Amor)

Amor (Liubov` Fadeeva) - author of idea, choreographer, dancer

Svetlana Popova - soprano

Tañedores trio:

Vladimir Kaminik - baroque guitar
Eva Grinberg - flute, castanets
Konstantin Shenikov - archlute



2) The Tañedores trio presents: Charm of magic strings,

a programme of French and Spanish baroque guitar music by E. Gaultier, R. de Visee, F. Corbetta, F.Campion, G. Sanz and S. de Murcia.
The composers cited above all worked at various European courts and dedicated their music to Kings, Dukes, Counts and other noble patrons who loved and honoured music and the Arts and were a good judge of it.

Vladimir Kaminik - baroque guitar
Eva Grinberg - flute, castanets
Konstantin Shenikov - archlute


The new program:

«Spanish Dreams» (Spanish music of XVI-XVII centuries)

Fascination ballads, fiery dances and love songs of Spanis
h Siglo de Oro (Golden Age).

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